
Being A Great Enforcer Of Behavior

Decent Essays

they replied: “to be quiet, don’t fool around and get the work done”. Praise brings about public performance in children. Making things (e.g. going out for dinner if homework gets done) contingent with behavior is wrong.

Main Ideas Agreed with/Disagreed with

In agreement

I agree with the author that praise and rewards has being a great enforcer of behavior in our society and child rearing practices. I particularly like his intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation concerns and the importance of what kind of motivators’ society is currently producing for the new generation. I have come to conclude from the book that the world is moving towards selfish gains and materialistic values, morals and ethics are given less considerations and this is a result of what is being taught and appreciated in the classrooms. The objectives of children are now to achieve better grades, obtain better salaries, and compete for better status in life, all which is being encouraged in today’s classrooms by the way we praise and reward the children. I would highly recommend this book to others. The author 5 reasons why rewards fail was of particular learning and interest for me, because it highlighted the results backed up by research.

In disagreement

I feel this book has spent too much time on discrediting other theorists that do not agree with the author’s point of view, i.e. Skinner. I also think that even though his observation to the current problem has been highlighted well, he does not

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