
Being Thankful For Your Life

Decent Essays

Wale Ayeni once said, “Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, it is someone else’s fairytale.” Thankfulness should be a significant part of our everyday lives. It is important to be thankful because it is a way to express our gratitude towards others. Also it can possibly reduce stress because you will have a more positive mind set toward others and events during the day, such as a test or work. Being thankful is a crucial part of our lives for strength during good times and bad. I am grateful for a variety of things in life, however family is at the top of my list. Specifically I am very thankful for my grandparents, parents, and brother.
My grandparents are gregarious people, who always look at the positive in everything and are always smiling. They greet people with a smile and ask them how their day is going. Having people join us at their home for holiday events is a regular occurrence. Whether you are related to us or not, they are eager to have others join us. No matter what the situation, good or bad, they are constantly smiling. My grandpa was recently diagnosed with dementia, a brain disease relating to memory loss. Although he is forgetful and confused once in awhile, he still finds a way to crack a joke and get you to smile. When something goes wrong my grandparents will tell me to look at the positive side and help me to realize that there are more life events that go right than go wrong. When things go wrong they want to

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