
Beliefs And Values, By Bryan Stevenson

Good Essays

Beliefs and Values

Every person believes something different. This is shown throughout religion, rights and politics. Where do we get our beliefs and/or values? Who or what shapes us to be who we are? What do Bryan Stevenson from “We Need to Talk About an Injustice” and Harper Lee from “To Kill a Mockingbird” say where we get them?

Where do we get our beliefs and/or values? It is what we encounter as a child that shapes us to believe something and take a stand on a particular point of view. Bryan Stevenson from “We Need to Talk About an Injustice” shows this when he says “My grandfather was in prison during prohibition. My male uncles died of alcohol-related diseases. And these were the things she [his grandmother] thought we needed to commit to” (Bryan Stevenson 4:55). This shows that Stevenson’s family was committed to not drinking alcohol. They believed that it was not right because of what it had done to loved ones in his family. Stevenson shows how this has shaped him as a human being by saying “But I 'm 52 years old, and I 'm going to admit to you that I 've never had a drop of alcohol” (Bryan Stevenson 4:55). This proves that what your parents or grandparents believe can influence who you are and what you believe for your life. Because Stevenson’s grandmother believed that alcohol was unneeded, Bryan did too, and never drank it during life.

In “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Scout also gets her beliefs from her family. Lee supports this by saying

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