
Beltway Sniper Analysis

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May 8, 2007. Plot by six men to attack soldiers at U.S. Army base at Fort Dix in New Jersey was averted. Modern day terrorist often choose targets that are easily defeated. The general public of women, children, and the elderly are acceptable losses.
August 2, 2006. Gale Nettles plotted to blow up the Federal Courthouse in Chicago. Nettles is an example of a domestic extremist. He had personal motives to exact revenge on the institution that placed him in prison.
October 24, 2002. The Beltway Snipers were caught and sentenced to life in prison. Both men were homegrown extremist trying to inflict maximum terror by attacking random victims in a large region.
September 11, 2001. Four planes; American Airlines flight 11, United Airlines flight …show more content…

Richard Reid tried to blow up American Airline flight over the Atlantic Ocean. Only the quick reaction of a stewardess averted Reid from carrying out his plot. His method of delivery is still a huge threat today with his concealment of explosives in his shoe.
October 12, 2000. USS Cole was attacked while refueling by a small boat loaded with explosives. The explosion left a forty foot wide hole in the vessel with 17 American sailors dead. Simple timing and opportunity are all that terrorists need to accomplish their mission.
February 26, 1993. The World Trade Center bombing left six people dead, with extensive structure damage. The original plot was to drop one building into the next building and cause massive damage to both. A second plot was discovered to bomb; the U.N. building, Holland and Lincoln tunnels and the Federal Plaza. This is how a modern world attack would occur. Several attacks by independent cells, one taking over where the other failed until the mission is complete.
December 14, 1999. The Millennium plot was interrupted when Ahmed Ressam had improvised explosive device components found in his possession. He later admitted that the target he was going to attack was Los Angeles International

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