
Beluga Whales Research Paper

Decent Essays

The beluga whale is a magnificent creature roaming the seas. Scientifically named delphinapterus leucas, they have five-inch-thick layers of blubber to help them through their journey across the ice. “Belugas, unlike other whales, have teeth” (Defenders of Wildlife). Their pure white color help belugas blend in with the ice to hide from predators. The beluga whales unique habitat, intriguing physical characteristics, bizarre social behaviors, and rare threats make them a peculiar animals in the sea. Belugas have a unique habitat in the icy waters. “They can be found in the Arctic Ocean extending into the North Pacific and North Atlantic” (Meeting The Whales 51). “Beluga whales live in the arctic waters of Canada, Alaska, Russia, Greenland, …show more content…

They weigh up to 1-1.5 tons. Belugas are only 13 to 20 feet, which makes them one of the smallest species of whale. For their weight it would make me think that they would be longer. Unlike most whales, beluga whales have teeth so, they are also called the toothed whale. Beluga whales are extremely fascinating with their physical characteristics.
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Beluga whales have bizarre social behaviors. They are vocal when communicating, they use a language of clicks, whistles, and clangs. “Belugas live together in small groups called pods” (National Geographic). The way that they use their variety of sounds makes them more vocal than some of the other whales. Beluga whales socials behaviors are unusual from other whales. Beluga whales have very few threats. “People living in the vast area of Canada and the United States that is drained by the St. Lawrence river are beginning to recognize the threats to all life from polluted water, but the problem is enormous” (Meeting the whales 51). Mostly human activity has the beluga whales at near threatened. Some of the activities include shipping, oil and gas production and transport, pollution, habitat destruction and alteration. Belugas have few threats living in the

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