
Benchmark Literacy Levels

Decent Essays

Parents of participants will be contacted via phone for information about the study being conducted. An informational packet will be mailed home following the phone call. Included in the packet will be a description of the study and parent permission forms. Students will not be participating in the study if parents do not wish for them to be involved. Student's real names will not be used in this study.
This study will involve three male high school students who have a diagnosis of ASD. Students will have an IQ of 80 or above with a first-grade reading level. Students will be able to demonstrate listening and comprehension levels of the first grade as well the ability to communicate using both verbal and written forms. Using …show more content…

Wh-question story organizers (see Figure 1) will be used, which will have the following information to fill out about the story: (a) who, (b) what, (c) where and (d) when. The story organizer will be on paper that is in four columns with all four wh-words across the top where students will then fill out the information onto the paper corresponding with the correct wh-words. Also needed is a writing utensil and comprehension quizzes from Benchmark Literacy. The quizzes will be composed of six comprehension questions for each story to assess student comprehension.
Dependent Variables
Students' comprehension of the text will be the dependent variable in this study. Comprehension will be measured using the student responses to the story questions. The questions and answers are coming from Benchmark Literacy. In this study, the students will not be given the opportunity to look back in the text to respond to any questions.

Baseline …show more content…

Each student will be given the same books where the students will read to the facilitator individually. When the students complete the reading to the facilitator, they will then take the comprehension quiz. This will be spread out over a couple of days so the students do not get uninterested with reading the books during one session for the baseline. All students will have the same quiz questions to answer from with each story having a different set of questions. With each question, students will be asked to pick the correct answer out of a field of three choices. The scores from the comprehension questions will serve as the baseline data.
Independent Variables
The independent variable in this study is the wh-question story organizer (see Figure 1). With each story that is read, the students will fill out the story organizer as a tool for better understanding. Using the tool will help students retain key information to make it easier to complete the comprehension quiz.
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