
Beneath Clouds Analysis

Decent Essays

Intertextual study
“Beneath clouds & Growing up Asian in Australia”

‘Beneath Clouds’ directed by Ivan Sen and ‘Baked Beans and Burnt Toast’ written by Jacqui Larkin both explore the theme identity in the four main characters, Peter, Jacqui, Lena and Vaughn. Ivan Sen uses mise en scène, dialogue, setting and symbolism when directing to stoutly portray the identity of Lena and Vaughn. Correspondingly Jacqui Larkin scrutinizes identity primarily through dialogue, metaphors, hyperbole and imagery in order to emphasise the problems Jacqui faces with identity. Seemingly both Sen and Jacqui both explore Identity but in similar and distinctive ways to make the audience ponder about how the main characters are feeling relating to their identity throughout the film and book.

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In Beneath Clouds and Baked Beans Burnt Toast they both show the main theme identity through community. In the film the main characters Lena and Vaughn live in a small country town which is full of Indigenous people and white people. Vaughn lives in the stereotypical life as an Aboriginal. The cops treat Vaughn like he is a speck of dust, they call him ‘boy’ to downgrade him and his race. The white people think of Aboriginals as people with low self esteem and all they do is drink alcohol and abuse their wives. They believe that Aboriginals are uneducated. The white people do not treat the Aboriginals in the same way as their own race. This is also displayed in Baked Beans and Burnt Toast

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