
Benefits Of Intermediate Corrections

Satisfactory Essays

Intermediate sanctions have been a valuable aspect in the court systems. In my opinion, I believe they have made a difference in the court process because these programs offer an alternative outcome to the defendant’s criminal case. I believe the reason it hasn’t made the impact aspired by legislators is due to sentencing issues judges face from advocates of deserved punishment believers and the fact that handing down alternative sentences to people with different outcomes could lead to people accusing the courts of not being equal when sentencing individuals to jail time or probation. The sanction that I believe could be most effective would have to be community service and restitution because what better way to punish a person than to make them actually pay for their …show more content…

I believe that if a person can see the harm their actions have caused towards the victim at least nonviolent offenders, and be forced to pay restitutions to both the victim and the court, then quite possibly it could make the individual not want to repeat their criminal actions. Other countries such as Germany, England, Sweden and most other European countries have already taken this form of punishment into effect leading to less of a financial burden on its citizens. In addition to community service and restitution, I have come to the conclusion that the best form of intermediate sanctions for juveniles would be boot camp. Juvenile offenders often lack the adult figure in their lives and tend to repeat the bad behavior they have witnessed throughout their lives and boot camp can give them that sense of belonging and form of discipline they so

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