
Summary: Tougher Sentences For Repeat Offenders

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Finally, this all leads to one of the largest areas of conflict when trying to evaluate the effectiveness of prison terms for repeat offenders. There are many statistics on the subject that conflict with each other. Some authors claim that trying juveniles as adults actually incorporate them into the criminal world at a youthful age and leads to a lifetime of the criminal offense. Other studies believe in the power of rehabilitation to save most, if not all, of these youths. If one looks past the statistics for a moment at the actual facts, it is clear that the tougher sentences handed out in adult courts to juveniles will help deter crime. Simply put, if the person is behind bars, there is little chance that he or she will have the opportunity to commit additional crimes. If sentences for violent crimes such as murder are for youths what they are for adults, it should keep the person locked up for a sufficient number of years. Juvenile homes attempt to punish offenders in a more gentle way by offering psychological help and other rehabilitation methods. However, the sentences in these homes tend to be lighter and shorter than the sentences doled out to those criminals who were tried in adult court. Some juvenile homes are simply too nice and the variety of detainees is too great. Some teens may be held there as runaways or shoplifters. These crimes are nowhere near as violent and damaging to society. It may actually harm the mild offenders to have contact with youths who have committed violent

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