
Benefits Of Moving To America Essay

Decent Essays

America has been referred to as a "melting pot," welcoming people from many different countries, races, and religions, all hoping to find new opportunities, freedom, and a better way of life. From the start, America has obtained freedom, justice and equality for every american that has sought out for it. People all around the world move to America because of it’s diversity, people feel welcome coming from all around the globe. America is definitely known as the land of opportunity because of helpful economy , also it lets people leave the problems of their country to find sanctuary in America and lastly because everyone in America has a chance of achieving the american dream.

The United States is the world's largest national economy, the potential to our economy is outstanding. Very harsh conditions(Economy) drove some of the Chinese to America (Takaki,192) .People in other places believe America to have “alluring boundlessness, promising not only gold but also opportunities for employment” which caused many to leave their villages for this hope especially after seeing people return to the villages with the money that had made in America (Takaki, 192-3). Something that separates America from other countries was that it showed willingness to all …show more content…

To some the American dream can be making a lot of money or to be really famous or to just find a good job. According to Esther Goosens “the american dream is coming from another country, trying to achieve what you want, there’s not so many boundaries… that’s a lot of freedom and that makes me happy.” Also according Shayla Harris in “Defining the American dream” more people think they achieved their american dream now (2009) than had 4 years ago. Many people outside of America believe they can make their American dream a reality, and majority of them try to make that

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