
Benefits Of Paid Parental Leave

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For all working parents, paid parental leave is an important component to incorporate to balance the workplace and sharing a family. However most parents who undergo leave are only paid a maximum grand total of either six weeks (for vaginal delivery) or eights (for a c-section) which come from Short Term Disability funds collected by employee payroll deductions. This is not enough time for parents to recuperate properly enough to return to their jobs. In 1993, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitled all eligible employees to take unpaid job-protected leave to medical reasons by providing 12 weeks worth of job protection. But the FMLA still does not provide enough compensation, and there are also firm restrictions enforced that exclude approximately 40% of the American workforce. …show more content…

A few states enacted their own separate laws for additional compensation and protection--this includes: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. When the act is applied, a working mother would be eligible for job protected period for 12 weeks. She is only paid for the first 6-8 weeks by Short Term Disability, the rest remaining unpaid until returning back to work. Meanwhile a working father is entitled for 12 weeks of FMLA job protection, except none of those weeks are paid. Paid parental leave needs to be offered for all working parents as this will further improve not only parenthood, but also the economy and society to prosper

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