
Benefits Of Retirement Planning For Retirement

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Whether you are a recent graduate or a 30 year professional, it is never too early to begin planning for retirement. For years, the age old question has always been how much do you need to comfortably retire? Conventional planning has proposes a benchmark of $1 million to enjoy sustain yourself throughout retirement. However, since many of us enjoy different lifestyles and varying incomes, 10 to 12 times your final salary can be a more accurate assumption. Yet, as baby boomers are continuously retiring and millennials have quite a few years to go, conventional wisdom may no longer be the prevailing prescription. With advances in modern medicine and concerns about the status of Social Security, your target goal will be higher than expected. To consider how much you will exactly need, it is important to consider a number of factors; current income, financial goals, future expenses, and inflation.
Current Income A challenging aspect of retirement planning is determining how much you will need to live comfortably. Depending on your current financial situation your retirement goals may vary. For those currently making less than $50,000 a year, an equivalent replacement income may not sufficient. Yet, if you are fortunate enough to be making $100,000 or more, you will likely be able to sustain a comfortable retirement with a similar income. Reaching your target may require you to save more and spend less now, however being able to enjoy your golden years will be far more

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