
Benefits Of Studying At The School

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Introduction “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink” – an often used adage to describe the frustration that teachers feel when they feel they have provided a student with every opportunity to succeed yet the student seemingly chooses to not invest any time into their studies. The teacher of this student knows that this student is capable of so much more than what their grades reflect. It is therefore up to the teacher to salt the proverbial “oats” to make the student thirsty for knowledge and success (Barnes, 1990). What do you do when a student does seemingly okay in class but once they leave the school, little to no work is done, and/or little to no studying is done? How do you convince the student of the …show more content…

One such program was chosen by this investigator and the classroom teacher – (“Plickers”) is a simplistic computer/application based program that would allow the students to participate in relative anonymity (the teacher would know who was answering what, the students would only know that they had answered) by manipulating a QR code in response to a multiple question presented by the teacher on the classroom projector. Adding to the anonymity for the student is that every QR code appears as a different pattern with the letters (A,B,C,D) aligned to correspond to the correct answer are so small and faint that only the student manipulating the code can see their response. This would hopefully ensure another layer of trustworthiness to the students’ responses. The students hold their responses while the QR code is scanned by the instructor using the camera of a cell phone. Once scanned the student’s QR code provides instant feedback as to the student’s response. The whole class is scanned, each response lighting up the screen as it is read by the camera, alerting the teacher to the students’ response (red for wrong, green for correct, as well as, tallying the scores per answer.) It would appear to be a great formative tool for a teacher but could it be a great tool for modeling, supporting and encouraging students’ study habits? The purpose of this research

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