
Benito Mussolini Rise To Power

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Compare and contrast the rise of Hitler and Mussolini to power; continue with contrasting and comparing Hitler and Mussolini’s regimes (no focus on foreign policy) Benito Mussolini (in power in Italy between 1922- 43) and Adolf Hitler (in power in Germany between 1933-45) were fascist leaders who were able to rise to power and establish totalitarian regimes during the interwar period by manipulating feelings of national discontent resulting from the Versailles settlement.Both Mussolini and Hitler relied upon social policy as a means of trying to impose their fascist ideologies on the population and to preserve support for their regimes. They were powerful in controlling the population and in eliminating all opposition to fascist rule. However, …show more content…

After a voting session between the socialist and the Nazi’s, due to specific circumstances, Hitler was proclaimed Chancellor by President Hindenburg in January 30, 1933. Soon right after rising to power, Hitler had already gotten a plan in order to eliminate the communist opposition: Hitler and his party were going to lead a false flag operation where they were to set fire to the Reichstag, which housed the parliament at the time, and frame a number of communist followers for it. Soon after, Hitler managed to convince the president to issue a decree against communists, after which the government instituted mass arrests of communists, including all of the Communist Party parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival communists gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from being a plurality party to the majority; this enabled Hitler to consolidate his power. For Hitler, Hindenburg's death couldn't have come at a better time. He decided that he should succeed Hindenburg, but not as president, instead as Führer of the German people. Although he was already called Führer by members of the Nazi Party and popularly by the German public, Hitler's actual government title at this time was simply Reich Chancellor of

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