
Benjamin Franklin the Inventor Essay example

Decent Essays

Benjamin Franklin the Inventor Benjamin Franklin is recognized as one of the greatest Americans ever. He contributed to the advancement of our country in many different ways. Since Franklin was a statesman, journalist, diplomat, inventor, and philosopher he was always in the middle of everything of importance. It is arguable which of these appositives best describes him. One thing that can not be disputed is that he is the greatest inventor ever. To be forty-two in Franklin’s time was to be well beyond middle age. Life was much shorter then. He never guessed he would live to double that age. Since retirement was not forced upon him, he felt no depression for cutting himself off from his work. This is when he …show more content…

It warmed rooms better, and at the same time saved fuel. The important feature was the flue, which doubled back and formed sort of a radiator around which warm air circulated. It cured most smoky chimneys, thus protecting both the eyes and the furniture. He turned over his model to a friend with an iron furnace, who cast the plates for the stoves. They were soon in great demand as people learned about them through a pamphlet Ben wrote and printed. (Osborne pg.66) Benjamin was as much interested in ventilating rooms as in warming them. He believed it healthier to keep windows open and let in fresh air, a practice that annoyed many of his friends. To keep rooms warmer in cold weather, he developed a damper, a metal plate that fits horizontally into the base of the chimney passage and can completely close it off, or when opened a small distance, creates a slight draft, allowing smoke to go up the chimney while keeping most of the warm air in the room. (Meltzer pg.116) To improve the lighting of rooms, he devised a new candle made from whale oil. It gave a clearer and whiter light, could be held in the hand without softening, and its drippings did not make grease spots. His candles lasted much longer and needed little or no snuffing. He also developed a four-sided lamp to light the city streets. The lamps stayed clean much longer and thus gave more light. (Meltzer pg.116) Franklin’s experiments in so many

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