
Beowulf Character Traits

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History has many characters that show character traits that have a positive or negative effect on people around them. The character Beowulf from the epic poem Beowulf has three character traits that stand out including strength, loyalty, and bravery. Beowulf’s loyalty is displayed in lines 281-284 when he states “if death does take me, send the hammered mail of my armor to Higlac, return the inheritance I had from Hrethel.” By stating that he says he wants his lord to know that he died in battle and wants everything returned to the Geats. Lines 457-458 he also wishes for all the gifts he has earned to be sent back to Higlac. Beowulf is loyal to the Geats even in his older age and challenges the dragon to defend his land. The epic hero Beowulf also extrudes great strength and power. Lines 110-111 in the poem state “the strongest of the Geats- greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world.” Also in lines 246-248 he tells about his men seeing his strength for themselves, rising from the darkest of war, and dripping with his enemy’s blood showing Hrothgar that others have seen his strength. When Beowulf went to the bottom of the lake to kill Grendel’s mother and bring back a trophy, he swam back up carrying Grendel’s head by himself along with part of a sword yet it took four of his men to …show more content…

Of course he’s brave because he went to fight Grendel, but in lines 262-264 he says “the monsters scorn of men is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I.” meaning he won’t use a weapon because Grendel doesn’t need one. He also leaped into the lake to fight Grendel’s mother alone after he as warned he may not come back. In lines 624-628 he says “I’ve never known fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old now, but I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me.” Beowulf had never known fear and still doesn’t even with his age and being

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