
Beowulf Definition Of Citadel

Decent Essays

The ‘’Citadel’’ is the most used anti piracy method by maritime companies. During my research and an interview with the captain of a maritime company based in Thessaloniki, he mentioned : ‘’The Citadel’’ is our heaven when we pass from dangerous areas with increased piracy. We know that as far as we have the ‘’Citadel’’ , we are going to be alive. None method is more trustful that the ‘’Citadel’’, it is by far the most useful anti piracy method.’’ So, what is the ‘’Citadel’’? The dictionary definition of citadel states that it is ‘A stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle.’ In terms of ships, a citadel refers to a room where the crew of the ship can hide in case there is a pirate attack on the ship or when

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