
Beowulf: Similarities Between The Movie And Poem

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Beowulf the movie and poem
A hero is an individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. In the poem of Beowulf it was told by the Anglo-Saxons, they gave us many visual and detailed descriptions of what they believe in and how their style of living was then. They rejoiced with each other telling stories and playing musical instruments by the fire or acted in ways that showed everyone around them who they were.Although the Beowulf movie and poem share many similarities, the different portrayals of the roles women play and how they were compared to men, the behavior of a hero, and Beliefs in the Anglo Saxons reveal the values of the societies in which they are told.
The role women play and how they were compared to men showed many similarities and differences between the movie and poem. They both showed us that they thought women were weak and not capable to do what a man does, “No female, no matter how fierce, could have come with a man's strength, fought with the power and courage men fight with” …show more content…

The movie anyhow showed the females a lot more than the poem, but Women were portrayed more as sex objects in the movie, they didn't have much say and we're just looking at in affectionate matters and nothing more. In the movie women only appeared when a man was checking her out or wanted some sexual satisfaction with her. One of Beowulf's close men showed that when he wanted nothing more but sex with a female, though she managed to escape the situation, it didn't bother him at all about how she felt or wanted at the moment. Beowulf wasn't any better when he fell into temptations with Grendel's mother bearing her a child. He then took the king's position accepting the queen as his queen, but was continuously sleeping with another girl as

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