
Best Practices in Geriatric Fall Prevention

Decent Essays

What are Best Practices in Geriatric Fall Prevention? Nearly 1/3 all Americans age 65 and older experience a fall every year (National Council on Aging, 2012). According to these same studies, every 29 minutes an older adult dies as a result of falling. Falling results in serious conditions among geriatric patients. These include severe bruising that can produce dangerous blood clots, broken bones, head injuries, and deaths. The National Council on aging now considers falls one of the leading causes of death in older persons. False threaten the safety and independence of older persons and have a significant social and personal impact. Falls are a serious problem on a national and global level, but falls do not have to be a fact of life in the aging process. Falls are almost entirely preventable. The topic of falls prevention was chosen as my research question for study due to several reasons. The first is that falls represent a serious problem for the aging community. Secondly, falls are preventable. Something can be done to reduce the number of falls experienced by elderly persons. Several national and global campaigns already exist that provide tips and resources for fall prevention. However, statistics continue to demonstrate that falls continue to remain a serious problem in the elderly community. No one can argue that education is the best defense against falls. Nor can they argue that national efforts are not needed. Despite these national campaigns, falls

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