
Essay On The Best Evidence Based Nursing Practice In Reducing VAP

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What is the best evidence based nursing practice in attempting to reduce (VAP) ventilated associated pneumonia? I decided to do an evidence based paper on VAP after talking to respiratory therapy on the sixth floor of Chippenham hospital during my clinical studies. I have a friend who has spent many years as a RN in the critical care unit and has seen the effects of different methods in reducing VAP first hand. This is a nursing intervention and the sole responsibility of the nurse. I can’t think of a better topic to research considering I am in my first semester of nursing school. I am very excited to share what I have found. I have found a large amount of information on different methods to reduce VAP but have decided on three to …show more content…

According to the Annals of Internal Medicine 08/17/2004 article, keeping the HOB elevated between 30 and 45 degrees reduced the rate of VAP by 27% in a study from May 1, 2004 until July 31, 2004 in 275 patients. This article is only showing one source of a study at one hospital; however, in my research I have found that this method is recommended by doctors and nurses seeming to be a very effective measure in reducing the incidence of VAP combined with other methods. (American College of Physicians, August 2006) The Annals of Internal Medicine was established in 1927 by the American College of Physicians (ACP), Annals of Internal Medicine is the premier internal medicine journal. Our 2009 impact factor of 16.2 makes the Annals of Internal Medicine one of the most cited general medical journals in the world. Materials published in Annals are peer reviewed. Oral care plays a vital role in reducing VAP. Effective oral care starts with the assessment of the patient’s mouth and acts as measure for needs for each patient. There have been studies performed using different solutions including chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) as an oral care agent to reduce VAP. A test study was done using 101 patients 51 patients being the control group (using pink mouth swabs and traditional methods of oral care) and 49 patients being the tested group (using chlorhexidine gluconate at a minimum two times per day) VAP

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