
Best Pranks To Pull Essay

Decent Essays

Best pranks to pull For centuries, mischievous behavior has been celebrated all over the world. Everyone likes a good practical joke and we should be sport about it. Some best pranks to pull created great laughs and a blushing face on the part of the prankster. Pranking friends or co-workers is a tradition and it can be simple or elaborate, but is always fun. But what other, less conventional pranks are out there to add color and spice to an otherwise average day? When you decided what pranks to pull, be prepared to replace anything that you damaged and also use common sense to avoid injury. Whether you have a score to settle, or just looking for a fun way to have a good time, you have unsuspecting friends that you can do some prank anytime, anywhere. Are you looking for a good prank that you can pull off with your friend? There is nothing more accomplished and satisfying than pranking someone successfully. Whether its your friends, family, co-workers, or classmates, the look on their shocked and surprised faces are worth planning. Here are the 10 best pranks to pull that requires little planning but easy to pull off. Most of these pranks can be performed few times before your friends catch you up. These pranks will level up your mischief, ensuring that you will have a very fun day of your life. Some of …show more content…

The internet is here to help you execute a good and simple prank to pull but is also a hilariously harmless prank. Everybody loves a good prank unless you are the one on the receiving end. Friends are great to prank and this will lead to escalating prank wars where everybody gets pranked. Pulling pranks on your friends is a ritual where almost all of you participates. However, prank ideas are getting bland nowadays. If you want to pull off a good prank, you must be creative for your pranks

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