
Better Than Losing A Better Classroom

Decent Essays

Someone who has ever played a video game or sport, has lost. They started near the bottom and had to learn to get better. Eventually they advanced so they were good enough to win; so they thought that they didn’t do anything incorrect and that they don’t need to practice because they’re already perfect. Then they lost and they thought, “why did I lose?” and they looked back and could see what they did wrong, and could practice on what they did wrong and get better at it. It makes them think, “why did I practice more after a loss than after a win?” Losing is a better teacher than winning can be. If someone wins, they don’t know what they did wrong because since they won they did everything correct, right? Not really, if someone wins something, it could be a case of luck, the other team could have easily had a bad game and wasn’t really doing their best. Someone could’ve gone up against a team that is at a much lower skill level than they were and they could’ve won by a major score margin. This puts them in the position of, “what do I practice?”, that is one reason losing is a better teacher since it gives people a sense of what they did wrong. …show more content…

The Wave was a group of people that were working together to make things better, but in order to know what to do right, they had to lose and find out what was

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