
Betty Friedan 's The Feminine Mystique

Decent Essays

Betty Friedan could be argued as one of the most prominent figures of the 2nd wave feminist movement in the United States of America. While she was most prominently know for her activism, she was also a writer. She used her passion for writing and fight for equal rights and wrote the best-selling book, The Feminine Mystique. This book looks to fight against “the feminine mystique,” which convinces women that to be a fulfilled woman they must be sexual passive, be dominated by males, and act as a maternal and nurturing type of lover. The argument is women are unable to satisfy themselves or their husbands not because of any sexual problems, but due to the fact that they have an identity problem. The problem most people have with her writing is that she puts all the blame on society and none on the individuals who make the decisions. While not everyone bought into the idea of her book, The Feminine Mystique, it cannot be denied that she brought resurgence to the women’s rights movement after writing the book. After gaining a following after writing the book she helped co-found the National Organization for Women (NOW). She also acted as this organization’s president for 4 years. This organization focuses on women’s rights issues including economic justice, pay equality, racial discrimination, women’s health, reproductive right, and family laws. She was the catalyst behind many of the stances that the NOW foundation still stands for today. The NOW foundation is the largest

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