
Between The World And Me Summary

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Ta Nehisi Coates argues in the letter Between the World and Me that discrimination still exists for African-Americans in the United States. Coats believes that unintentional bias exists in all Americans, explaining that African-Americans are at greater risk of harm than people with lighter skin. Coates main goal is to protect his son Samori by sharing personal stories and what he thinks his son should do when he gets older. Coates main argument is that he believes that unintentional bias still exists in all Americans, explaining that African-Americans are at greater risk of harm than people with lighter skin. Unintentional bias still exists in all Americans in many ways, even without intention. Coates explains this with stories growing up and learning what African-American people had gone through in the past all …show more content…

One big distinction Coates makes is that racism gave birth to race not the other way around. “Race is a construct, it’s something to which an absolutism is attributed but in reality, is blurry. White people are not actually white, but rather they think they are white because it gives them their power and privilege” (Coates). Racism is thus so insidious because the people think they are white, but also do not they are racist. Another factor why Coates is resigning because something bad has happened to his friend Prince. While Coates was a student at Howard University, his friend Prince Jones died. He died in a horrible way he got shot by a police officer. The authorities shot him because he was taking off almost running the police officer over with his car. Nothing came out of the case, no justice at all. Coates gives up is because African Americans have been through so much. Another big reason why Coates gives up because he lived through a lot growing up and experiencing many things, like his friend

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