
Biblical Images Of Biblical Imagery

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Theories have surfaced throughout the years about biblical imagery in early literary works. The works of Sappho challenges biblical imagery, and the theories expressing beliefs that God had feminine characteristics. Considering her works were done way before Jesus was born. She paints imagery that makes readers connect her fragments to religion. Sappho was known for her deep lyrical poems that causes her readers to dig deep just to figure out what her works meant. Many religious people believe that there is an idea of “Christianity imagery”; the idea early works capturing biblical imagery before Christ was born. Now there is no evidence that early literary writers focused on making their works connect with the future. People like to think writers knew what was going to happen before it actually happened, but that is not the case at all. Sappho took her skills and created a masterpiece that would be viewed to this day and still cause society to question the idea of early biblical images. She really changed the literary game because scholars are still wondering if her imagery predicted Christ or if her works were a coincidence that happened to later to connect with biblical images.
Sappho captures human imagery that to connect with biblical imagery. Sappho wrote, “But you, O Dika, bind your hair with lovely crowns, tying stems of anise together in your soft hands” (Sappho 157). This makes a huge connection with the thorn crown our beloved Jesus Christ was forced to wear. Most

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