
Biblical Narratives Of The Gospels Of Matthew, Mark, Luke And John

Decent Essays

“But These Are Written That You May Believe”
The Meaning of the Gospels

Nothing is so foundational as the reality of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Questions have been raised about the historical characters of biblical narratives. Historicity is the condition of having occurred in history; authenticity. The authors were holy men of God who wrote the gospels inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. They did not write according to the method and expectations of man’s modern history writing, but wrote according to revelation of the Holy Spirit. The parables are short simple stories, usually of occurrences of a familiar kind, from which a moral or religious lesson may be drawn. They were intended to instruct the people. In the case of the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, these authors expected their statements to be taken as actual occurrences, because of their explicitness in the purpose of each book’s beginning chapter. They had no doubt that one would think otherwise than the truth being revealed; the glorious Good News being announced to mankind of salvation and victory over sin and death; that God is offering this to all people through the person and accomplished work of Jesus Christ on the cross as proved by his resurrection, ascension and position at God’s right hand. The actual truth of the Gospels is that God has provided a way of salvation for men through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, to the world. He suffered as a

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