
Big Brother Is Watching You Essay

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“Big Brother is Watching You,” is the famous quote from George Orwell’s 1984, where the government regulates everything and the Thought Police could be reading the minds of the citizens at any moment. Many people fear big government; the world has experienced the destruction of fascists, dictators, Marxist socialism, as well as other dangerous political ideologies. More recently, people have been worried about the demagogue that has become our next president and AT&T selling information to law enforcement. It is contended that any problems brought on by a large government are internal problems of self-regulation; for example; the revolving door between special interests and politicians, as well as the problem of career-politicians. Despite the problems that come with a big government, namely higher taxes, it is far superior to a smaller federal government, and far better than a nonexistent federal government, where the states decide laws individually. There are many different political ideologies that purport to be the best, but in the end a healthy mix of different governing styles has been proven to best suite the masses. it is true that big government can be done wrong - North Korea is the most prominent modern example, but in countries like Denmark (known as the happiest country in the world), Finland, and Switzerland, large government, in the form of socialism, works out very well. Ultimately, there are many benefits to large governments such as responding to issues on

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