
Big Business Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Context: Following the reconstruction era and the introduction of the industrial culture, businesses grew large and powerful, as did their owners and became some of the most influential. The growing production of steel and oil allowed for many businesses to grow and therefore impact Americans life. Big business controlled the government through corruption, controlled the economy that affected many workers lives, and created many different labor conditions that would make change in the society through the constant labor rights. Thesis: Big influence Paragraph 1: Political (Doc 2) With the rise of big industries in politics such as Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, there came consequence for the people . By 1880 Rockefeller established …show more content…

While the rise of the businesses had great impact in the economy, it allowed for the introduction of women working in the companies, but were separated by the gender that they were. (Doc3) This demonstrates that many companies were starting to become more available to others and benefited them. There was more availability to jobs, but at the same time there wa competition between new coming immigrants to compete for a job. Many blamed monopolies, which companies had a lot of, for the unstable economy. They argued that they created high prices and could charge whatever they pleased. George Rice, claims that Rockefeller's Oil company ruined him by knowing how to market the prices of oil. ( Document 6) At the time the Rockefeller would manage their marketing and buy out other companies. It became what charles Darwin created as survival of the fittest, that only the successful could achieve success. This was very common for Rockefeller and the article that George Rice writes to demonstrate the impact that big companies had on the people and their attempting to create a successful economy through businesses. They focused on monopolies and controlled the railroad sand prices, which many consider dangerous since they could not advance in the world as seen through RIces attempt. It weaken the possibility of becoming a “a self made man. “ Similarly those in the economy that focused on selling steel and oil such as samuel

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