
Big Things Research Paper

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When one night felt like a week, when one person is able to find the pleasantness in such hard and grueling times, they were able to let their human spirit shine through at times like these. During World War II, a dictator who goes by the name of Adolf Hitler, he ordered all European Jews to be persecuted, killed or sent to concentration camps to work long, hard days of labor. Despite the struggle, writers like Etty Hillesum and Anne Frank were able to write about joyous topics and tell stories about the good they had in their lives. The “Big Things” that allowed them to do this and feel this way is love, laughter and nature, those thing play a huge part in letting your spirit triumph. Love is what makes someone spirit endure and nourish. (DOC …show more content…

(DOC B) in Yellow Star, Syvia had to sneak and get some pears from a tree, despite being scared that the Germans will come out and get her. “I reach up and grasp the pear Its skin is yellow green, ripe…I am out in the sunshine eating a pear just like any normal girl who isn’t Jewish in Poland on a regular day…Suddenly I realize where I am what am I doing I had better get back inside I am about to run back, when I spot another pear on the tree…I think of Dora, and I grab it.” Here shows that nature can make you forget about the hardship and stressful times, also Syvia even thought of her sister Dora because she loved her and got her a pear to eat too. In a another “Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl” Anne Framk was a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis at the time in a secret annexe. Anne wrote about her life there she also wrote that “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and god. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature”. Anne Frank is saying that nature is the key to peace and the human

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