
Bigelsnipes: A Fictional Narrative

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“-This is it.”- was Loki´s thought, everything was ready. It was time to set his plan in motion, but he wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. He sighed as he readied himself “-Did I miss something?”- He thought nervously, but he knew it wasn’t the case. “-I’d better go through with it, there’s no going back now, and this better be convincing. He bit his lower lip while going over his plan in his head “-Quit stalling!-“he admonished himself.
-All right. - He finally said out loud as he put his helmet on –Let’s do some mischief.-He teleported from the roof he had been on to the middle of a field in Central Park. He had chosen the location to maximize the effect but minimize the possibility of collateral damage, if someone got hurt his plan wouldn’t stand a chance. …show more content…

Without a moment to lose he conjured the illusion of a pack of bigelsnipes which causes terror instantly. He reinforced the illusion by blasting some magic bolts that gave the impression of the bigelsnipes causing actual damage to the now abandoned belonging of the park’s visitors while he spoke up – People of Midgard. I am Loki of Asgard and I challenge your champions for the reign of this realm. Avengers, I dare you to face me! - The scared masses tripped with themselves on their hurry to flee the

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