
Bigfoot Facts

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Sasquatch, Hairy Beast, Gorilla, and primate, all names of the legend Bigfoot. Bigfoot has been seen in all of the United States showing us that he does exist. Bigfoot is real.

Renne Dahinden, John Green, and Ivan T. Sanderson are some of the most famous Bigfoot investigators. In the 1960s these investigators wrote many books on many eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot. “But by far the most sensational, and hotly disputed, physical evidence of that period is the 28 second, 16 millimeter film taken in 1967 by Roger Patterson…which shows to be a female Bigfoot striding away from Patterson’s camera”( Simpson). Bigfoot could be more than a legend. In 2002 the discovery of Bigfoot’s butt print was found in Skookum Meadow in Washington.

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