
Bigfoot Research Paper

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How has Bigfoot's legend evolved over the years?What does Bigfoot look like? Bigfoot is believed to be a hairy aped liked creature that is 7-10 feet tall and weighs-600 to 900 pounds. He typically can run from 16 to 18 inches long and about 7 inches wide ( Bigfoot is a hairy creature that appears half man and half ape have existed in various parts of the world for many centuries. Bigfoot is also known as Abnuaaya, Abominable Snowman, Albasty, Alma, Almasty, Annapurna Footprints, Bekk-Bokk, Boardman and Tasker Tracks, Cryptid, Cryptozoologist, Cryptozoology, Dogman, Kaptar, Mulen, Old Yellow Top, Sasquatch, Shipton Yeti Tracks, Skunk Ape, Voita, Yeti, Zana, Zanya (www.unexplained-mysteries.comBigfoot) has been sighted …show more content…

The animal’s very name came from the size of the footprints it leaves behind. Some tracks have toes that have five toes, but then there other tracks that have two, three, four or even six toes. Not all prints found are footprints. In September 2000, a team of investigators from the Bigfoot Field Research Organization found a Bigfoot body print and also they have got sounds from Bigfoot that sound like grunts, howls, and growls ( In February, a group of Colorado researchers claimed they found scientific evidence to confirm Bigfoot’s existence. Researcher Dave Paulides says his research group collected hundreds of DNA samples from Bigfoot, mostly from Northern California’s redwoods, and said the creature is a human subspecies. Bigfoot’s legend has evolved over the years cause there are more sightings of Bigfoot and more evidence on what it is and where it has come from. Bigfoot is an odd unexplained creature that we have no idea of but we have a lot of hard evidence that points to something. As you can see of how many names he has there’s a lot of people who has seen this big hairy ape like creature. Theirs evidence that points to human hybrids. So maybe the evolution of Bigfoot has evolved a lot and we don't see it, because since theirs no actual Bigfoot right in front of them people tend to think he is fake, but with all the eye witness accounts out there it points to something

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