
Bill Of Right At The International Level

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Bill of rights

The idea of a bill of right at the international level was conceived at the time of framing the charter of the the San Francisco conference in 1945, at which the organization was established. President Truman of the US in his closing speech to the conference stated that under the charter “we have good reason to expect the framing of an international bill of rights, acceptable to all the nations involved. That bill of rights will be as much part of international life as our own bill of rights is a part of our constitution.”(1) International bill of human rights consists of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR), the international covenant on civil and political rights along with its protocol and …show more content…

It also emphasized the need for international protection of human rights. The conscience of human beings worldwide was shocked by Mussolini’s fascist government of Italy, the Spanish civil war and the Franco regime. The most significant formulation of this vision of a new international legal order was the message to the US congress, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in January 1941 in which he referred to “the four freedoms”: freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear which were among the foundations upon which planning for the united nation was started. In 1945 at the San Francisco Conference, where the UN Charter was finally drafted, several actors contributed to the greater emphasis on human rights. Although the suggestion of creating a commission on human rights was controversial among the great powers, the US finally achieved its adoption. Thus, a commission on human rights was the only one explicitly mentioned in the UN charter, and consequently, the human rights issue had got a flying start within the United Nations. United nation was formally established on 24th October 1945.Human rights issue were assigned to the economic and social council (ECOSOC), at the first session of which the nuclear commission on human rights was set up. This commission met in April/May 1946 and made recommendation on composition and terms of reference. These matters were finally decided by the ECOSOC’s second session, in which full

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