
Billy Joe Harris Research Paper

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The Insanity Plea: Should It Excuse The Crime? Is insanity real? Does insanity cause you to commit crimes? Is the insanity plea a valid argument in a court case? These are fundamental questions that face our society and our judicial system. Oftentimes, people commit crimes, but are not willing to face the consequences of their actions. Therefore, they decide to plead insanity. However, some individuals are genuinely mentally unstable. Do their mental illnesses excuse their crimes? On some basic level all human beings have an understanding of right and wrong, good and bad. If you take a room full of people from a mental institution and ask them to run through a fire, would they do it? When someone pulls the trigger or raises the knife do they …show more content…

Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested in his apartment with a complete human skeleton, eleven skulls, several packages of genitals, and preserved human body parts: hearts, muscles, and internal organs. Dahmer raped, dismembered, and cannibalized his victims some of which were young boys. Jeffrey Dahmer was diagnosed with paraphilia, necrophilia, partialisim, alcoholism, personality disorder, and sadism. Several doctors tried to rationalize Dahmer’s actions and make the claim that he only did these things because of his mental illnesses. A psychiatrist who witnessed the trial said that Dahmer proved he was of sound mind by “remembering to reach for a condom” before participating in intercourse with his deceased victims (qtd. in Ullman). The psychiatrist claimed Dahmer’s ability to “delay gratification” proved he could abide by the rules of normal society (qtd. in Ullman). Reporter and psychiatrist Joan Ullman stated that she believed in psychosis until she witnessed Dahmer’s trial. After witnessing the trial and Dahmer’s plea, Ullman made this observation: “ I kept waiting for someone to say that one of his or her best friends were cannibalistic mass murderers” (qtd. and cited in Ullman). Others, still, have tired to use insanity as an excuse for his or her actions. Steven Smith was convicted of robbing, raping, and murdering the pregnant Dr. Kathryn Hinnant in her office in …show more content…

While there are valid arguments for the insanity plea, the negative consequences outweigh any positive potential. Science, research, and court court cases prove that every individual should be held responsible for his or her actions despite one’s mental state. People always commit crimes for a purpose and a reason whether intended or unintended, known or unknown. Every single individual who has ever committed a crime has had a motive for his or her actions. There is always a driving force or emotion that pushes someone to act or react in a certain way. Right and wrong is basic human knowledge. If an individual has the ability to kill, to rape, or to beat another human being, then they have the ability to know their actions and know how those actions affect others. Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer made this observation regarding the insanity plea: “It is absurd to permit the heinousness of a crime to become self-acquitting. That sets up a perverse standard: the more terrible the crime, the crazier, therefore the less culpable the criminal. The man who commits incomprehensible torture is acquitted. The father who steals bread to feed his children is convicted” (qtd. in “So Guilty They’re Innocent”). Furthermore, if someone has the ability to kill, to rape, or to beat, then they have the ability to be incarcerated and held responsible for their

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