
There Are A Few Different Types Of Insanity Pleas In The

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There are a few different types of insanity pleas in the court of law; however, just because someone pleads insane will try actually be found insane. About half of the states follow the "M 'Naughten" rule, based on the 1843 British case of Daniel M 'Naughten, a deranged woodcutter who attempted to assassinate the prime minister. He was acquitted, and the resulting standard is still used in 26 states in the U.S.: A defendant may be found not guilty by reason of insanity if "at the time of committing the act, he was laboring under such a defect of reason from disease of the mind as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or if he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong." (emphasis added) This test …show more content…

Unfortunately, from what we have learned so far in this semester very few, criminal cases actually receive a successful insanity plea. Basically if you can talk to your attorney and a judge then you are able to legally participate in your defense. This is very sad since you really might be mentally insane; however the criminal law and medical communicate both see major differences in if someone is mentally ill. My thoughts on the Frontline video on Insanity was this case was very sad for all that were involved. Everyone seemed to realize that this person truly was insane; however, by legal definition he was not insane. I really like the part in the video where they discussed not being able to obtain a person from the medical community to testify, since they all clearly knew the person was insane and mentally ill. I am not sure why the judge did not allow the jurors to know what would have happened if they found guilty but with reason of insanity. The most touching part to me in the front line video was the brother discussing how he was a guard at the place his brother was being held. I can only imagine how scared he was for his brother. This trial was ethical by legal terms; however, I find it hard to say that morally this was the ethical case to take to trail. I understand taking hostages in a college campus is very wrong and it appears that he had some clear thought of binding the doors and

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