
Billy Pilgrim Unstuck In Time Quotes

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In the eye opening, anti-war book, Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Billy Pilgrim is “unstuck in time” after being captured by a fleet of four dimensional, time traveling extraterrestrials called the Tralfamadorians. In his own acts of time travel, he goes through many moments of his life, and learns that even though his notion of free will is ruined, he can still enjoy the goodness in moments. Through his madness, Billy learns of the fate and ugliness of tragedy and war, but also the beauty of time. The most important quote in the book is as follows, “So it goes.”After every instance of death or tragedy, you will read the Tralfamadorian saying “so it goes.” You see, all moments in life are predetermined, death is inescapable, and although your life may someday come to an end, the moments of the past, present, and future exist simultaneously. This brings about a sort of numbness in Billy, because every death he does experience is simply just a moment of someone's life and nothing more. They may seem dead, but they are currently enjoying life in another section of time as well. Free will doesn’t exist, so just like aliens staring at the newly found zoo specimen by the name of Billy Pilgrim, time should also be observed as a specimen of its own. …show more content…

Or at least, he enjoyed the presence of the Tralfamadorians. As said, “Most Tralfamadorians had no way of knowing Billy’s body and face were not beautiful. They supposed that he was a splendid specimen. This had a pleasant effect on Billy, who began to enjoy his body for the first time.” (pg. 113) These aliens gave Billy confidence, while in war he was a teenager, a baby (as one of his war friend’s wife had put it), experiencing anything but victory. The Tralfamadorians may have been a projection of Billy’s mind caused by reading too much sci-fi and the aftermath of Dresden, but he thought it was real and

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