
Binge Drinking Case Study

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As a second year student at the Ohio State University, I have observed what the effects of alcohol on the students of this campus experience. I want to focus on alcohol abuse on college campuses, more specifically the Ohio State campus. Suffering grades, addiction, and physical harm are just a few of the many detrimental effects of intoxication. Binge drinking is a prevalent issue at most colleges, but I want to focus on the detrimental results of student’s decisions. In order to assess the issues and the consequences of alcohol abuse, I created and distributed a survey, collected information from my own personal experiences, and took into account information provided by previous researchers on the topic. The survey will gage an understanding …show more content…

However, it is easy to spend a few hours with someone in which throughout the course of those hours they have consumed an abundance of alcohol and are suffering from their decisions. For example, this person may suffer from headaches, nausea, vomiting and exhaustion just to name a few. My relationship with this person will enable me to observe longer term effects such as grades. Most of my close friends that share how they preform in class tend to intelligently pick and choose when to go out in accordance with their load of school work during that time. However, I do notice that after finishing a long project or completing a difficult test, students sometimes head straight to the bar afterwards. This is not an exaggeration; I see students at the bars with a book bag on. While having a drink is a universally common way to celebrate an event or an accomplishment, it seems as though college students are not celebrating their finished checklist for the week, they are using alcohol as a stress reliever. After a long week of assignments, students have the desire to go out as if drinking is a reward for their hard work. The more stressed out someone has been, the more they may drink that weekend. I see this as a common recurrence, I am even guilty of this myself. College students use alcohol as an outlet to decompress. This wouldn’t be such a huge issue but …show more content…

The survey and observations that I did were a sufficient way to get a surface-level idea of the information I wanted to focus on, but given more time and money I could have orchestrated a better and more accurate study. Understanding the subject’s reasons for drinking certain amounts in a particular amount of time and the consequences directly suffered from these actions over a period time would create a better case for the claim I am striving to make. Using previous information found by past researchers was helpful in supporting my claims, but did not lead me to any new information other than exact numbers that were found in their

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