
Biochemistry, Metabolic Processes, Homeostasis, Molecular Genetics And Population Dynamics

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In biology, we learn a lot of information that we can use later on in life, no matter what field of study we go into. During this course, we learned about biochemistry, metabolic processes, homeostasis, molecular genetics and population dynamics. Throughout the learning process, we’ve had many questions or INTUS, which we use to expand our knowledge later on and determine the answers to those specific questions. The point of this assignment is to relate questions that we have developed on our particular topic we chose; to these five units we studied in biology. (MyScienceAcademy, Sept.21, 2012) (Glogster, 2012) (Tay Sachs Disease, May 2013) Cherry red spot” in the eyes Infant with Tay Sachs Disease If two parents are carriers for this disease, then the offspring will have a 1 in 4 chance of having t of h this disease, 2 in 4 chance of b b being a carrier, and 1 in 4 c

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