
Biography Of George Rogers Clark And The Civil War

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I was born on August 1st, 1770. I grew up in Virginia with 10 siblings. I was tutored at home as a child, and did not have any formal education. My five older brothers fought in the American Revolutionary War. My oldest brother, George Rogers Clark, was the general during this time. Soon, I moved to Kentucky with my family, where we arrived in March 1785. We moved into a plantation known as Mulberry Hill, located near Louisville. In 1789, I began my military career. I was 19 years old when I joined the militia that was run by Major John Hardin. During this time, the people of Kentucky fought the American Indians for the territory located North of the Ohio RIver. This war is known as the Northwest Indian War. In 1790, I was assigned as captain to the Clarksville, Indiana militia. I resigned from this position in 1796, due to poor health conditions when I was 26 years old. I returned back home to my family’s plantation at Mulberry Hill. In 1803, Meriwether Lewis recruited me to the Corps. of Discovery. We were to explore the Louisiana Territory. We also had to trade with Native Americans, find a waterway from the United States to the Pacific Ocean, and claim the Oregon Territory throughout this journey. This journey began on May 14th, 1804 in Missouri. We travelled on the Missouri River towards the West. During this expedition, Sergeant Floyd passed away on August 20, 1804. He was the only person to die during this trip. Soon after, we reached the Great Plains. During this

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