
Biography Of Samuel F. B. Morse

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In 1836, Samuel F. B. Morse created Morse Code, a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener without special equipment. Born in 1791, Samuel Morse was a famous American inventor and painter. He graduated from Yale in 1810 and studied painting in England afterwards. Morse’s painting style was considered “romantic” and he flourished in the art field. Morse co-founded the National Academy of Design and was the school’s first president. In 1815, Morse returned to America and set up a studio in Boston; focusing on portraits, he painted pictures of Marquis de Lafayette and George Washington. In 1827, Morse began to study electricity with Charles Thomas …show more content…

These messages were sent by tapping out a special code for each letter of the message with a telegraph key. The telegraph changed the dots and dashes of the code into electrical impulses and used telegraph wires to transmit them. This code became known as Morse Code. Because of the telegraph, messengers no longer had to travel long distances to report information; instead, telegraphs were used to transfer information quickly and efficiently. The first telegraph message was sent from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland in 1844. In 1851, the United States had over 50 telegraph companies, most of them controlled by the Magnetic Telegraph Company. A telegraph line was laid across the Atlantic Ocean from the United States to Europe in 1866. Morse Code allowed for ships at sea to communicate over long distances using large lights. In World War II, it greatly improved communication speed. Naval ships were able to communicate with their bases and provide critical information. War planes also used Morse Code to detail enemy ships, bases, and troops. Although the telegraph drifted into obscurity, it laid the foundation for the communication revolution that led to the telephone, the fax machine, and the …show more content…

In Morse Code, a dash is equal to three dots and the space between part of the same letter is equal to on dot. The space between two letters is equal to three dots and the space between two words is equal to seven dots. There are multiple versions of Morse Code, including American, Japanese, and International (Latin-based). Morse Code is most prevalent in Aviation and Aeronautical field since navigational aids still identify in Morse Code. The Navy and Coast Guard use signal lamps to communicate in Morse Code. Morse Code changed communication capabilities in the United States and in the

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