
Biography of Jesse Louis Jackson

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Jesse Louis Jackson is one of America's one of political figures. Over the past three decades, he has had a huge role in almost every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, sex equality, and economic and social justice. Jackson has been called the "conscience of the nation" and "the great unifier." He is one of the best-known living American leaders in the United States.
Jesse Jackson was born on October 8, 1948, in Greenwood, South Carolina. His actual name when his was born was Jesse Louis Burns. His parents were Helen Burns and Noah Robinson, but were never married. A year after Jesse’s birth, his mother married Charles Henry Jackson, an office maintenance worker, who later adopted him. That’s how Jesse’s last name became Jackson.
In 1964, Jackson graduated from college with a degree in sociology. A year after he graduated from college, he went to Selma, Alabama, to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He eventually became a worker in King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
In 1966, he moved his young family to Chicago. Then, he made the decision to leave school in order to go work for Dr. King again. While King, at first, was enamored with the rudeness of the young leader, not everyone in the organization felt the same way. Many people felt that Jackson acted too independently, and eventually King came to dislike of him as well. Just five days before Dr. King’s assassination, King stormed out of a meeting after Jackson had repeatedly interrupted

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