
Biological Explanations Of Crime Analysis

Decent Essays

Biological Explanations of Crime – Strengths and weakness
Biological explanations of crime suggests that crime is due to the nature of an individual, this is highly controversial as it suggests crime is innate and not a cause of the environment. These theories suggest that criminals are born with criminal tendencies. This essay will discuss various biological explanations of crime and point out some strengths and weaknesses. Cesare Lombroso, whom established criminology as a science, founded this theory. He gathered facts in an empirical study and found physiological characteristics to identify ‘The Criminal Man’, these characteristics were; “head-size (circumference/diameter), non-symmetric facial features, sloping forehead, protruding jaw, …show more content…

Although, this is also a weakness as it is over-simplifies and gives no specific reasons as to why these characteristics may occur in criminals, thus deeming the theory reductionist (as many of the biological theories are), this is due to the fact that it overlooks key features such as external/ environmental factors (Akers 2013). It has also been criticised for ignoring free will (Salinas 2014) as it does not take into consideration that these criminals may have initially chosen to commit these crimes as well as some people with these physique that may not have committed any crime, this makes this theory seem deterministic. “Lombroso believed that most criminals did not act out of free will, but rather they were urged to commit crimes because of their innate organic nature.” (Cullen 2010). There were also some serious methodological issues (Salinas 2014), in the fact that European scientist criticised his study for using inconsistent empirical methods, his writing was said to be anecdotal and his theories were seen as conceptually flawed (Cullen …show more content…

This made it seem as though the explanation was not biological but due to nurture. This could cause an issue in stereotyping as Sheldon suggested mesomorphs are more likely to be criminals, and working class people are more likely to be mesomorphs, it could cause stereotyping in the fact that people see working class people as more delinquent (Flanagan 2011). The method was also flawed in the fact that Sheldon rated the body types himself, this would cause researcher bias as he may consciously or unconsciously rate the bodies according to what supports his theory. This could have been overcome by using a second person to rate the bodies; this would increase inter-rater

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