
Biology Admissions Essay

Decent Essays

I have always been a keen biologist, wondering what every day functions go on inside our bodies and how complex plants really are compared to the vague primary school teachings we had at an early age. During my biology classes I have been able to do independent research work and improve my practical skills in this area, which will benefit me during a biology course.

Through my part time job at ASDA, along with mentoring a GCSE maths class, I have gained strong communication skills. I work ten hours a week at my job, and particularly when dealing with customers at work and the pressure of answering their queries, I gain valuable people skills which will be useful throughout my whole life. Also, by helping students that are younger than me …show more content…

Over the summer, I was granted the opportunity to get a Nuffield placement at Loughborough University. A variety of skills were needed to reach our final goal at the end of four weeks, including time-management and analytical abilities. It really challenged my mathematical knowledge as being able to complete the tasks that I was set independently included many statistical sums - some which I am familiar with and some I had not come across before. The four-week placement really gave me an insight into what attending university will require from me.

I thoroughly enjoy studying Biology, along with Chemistry where I am able to achieve a greater understanding of biological processes and helps me visualise them further. AS Maths has aided me to develop analytical and problem solving skills, and taught me to approach problems in all areas with a more calculated and logical way. Studying all three sciences has been an excellent way to practice my research skills. These will benefit me highly when I proceed to do a masters course and a PhD, as I know that they are crucial to succeeding not only in the course I want to do, but in the profession I will have from my biology

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