
Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Homo sapiens are known to be the most advanced creatures on Earth, the number of humans in the world is exponentially increasing to nearly over seven billion as 250 babies are born every minute and with the population increasing by almost 3 people per second. Life relies solely upon the biomedical sciences. It’s an area of expertise that is constantly advancing out, therefore to study the convolution of the human body and to contribute to such a field has lead me to apply to Biomedical Sciences at University.

My interest in Biomedical Science came in a school-run extended project scheme in which I devised a study of genetic modification of the human body. I found that I was fascinated by whether the survival of an organism was based on one’s genome or one’s environment. For example, I did research on Michael Phelps, an eight time olympic gold medalist, who has said to have genetic advantages over other olympic athletes. For instance, he is double-jointed in the chest which enables him to extend his arms higher above his head and pull down at an angle that increases his efficiency through the water by 20% allowing him to make quicker starts and turns. The research gave me an insight of how complex and sublime the inner structures and workings of the human body are, therefore has fuelled my desire to study the physiology of human bodies beyond A Level. …show more content…

Studying biology at A Level has helped me gain knowledge in relevant aspects of biomedical sciences, for example immunology and human physiology and anatomy, as well as applying my knowledge to real life situations. Chemistry has helped me provide an understanding to the analytical side of learning, whereas Maths has helped me develop my problem solving skills in order correct a

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