
Odp Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I always strive to help and care for people and I have tried to understand their needs. Therefore, career in the health field has always inspired me. I chose to applied for Operation Department Practitioner ,because in that role I see the way to looked after and support people in a moment of their life when they are much vulnerable, feel scared and anxious.
Operation Department Practitioner is very challenging and a dedicating career, but I am ready for this challenge because the reward for the work I do is the gratitude in the eyes in the people I have looked after. I understand how difficult is to build trust between people, but I believe that over the years during which I worked as a Health Care Assistance I have the satisfactory level …show more content…

I studied various subjects that help me to learn new knowledge. Psychology was one of my favourite subjects, which helped me to understand human behaviour, but also my self. Life science was my passion, I learned the amazing way our body works. It is so incredible how different cells, microorganisms, organs and others are connected together and work together to form what we are. I found Core Skills as a very helpful subjects .I was constantly acquired new skills and develop them such as essay writing, referencing. Health Studies was the subject that I studied for the first time. It was very educational and it has helped me to broaden my knowledge of British Health Care System. OCN English and OCN Maths were both very helpful for me to upgrade my knowledge.

I have extensive experience in health care both in England and in my country Bulgaria. I was 18 years old when I started to looked after my granddad who was suffering from cancer. When he died I continued to care for people suffering like him, because during this time I realized that I want to help people in need.

At the moment I am Health Care Assistant in Rehabilitation Ward and I really adore my job. We have variety of patients and they all have different background ,nursing and emotional needs. When I started to work in the UK I realized that I have to use a similar set of skills which I learned during my experience in Bulgaria .But

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