
Bioterrorism Advantages And Disadvantages

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Bioterrorism is the use of infectious agents that are harmful to humans as weapons of terrorism. Agents of bioterrorism include bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi, and biological toxins. Bioterrorism can cause high mortality and morbidity thus lead to social disruption and public panic. This phenomenon already occur in 17 century where American revolution, colonial British military officers gave blankets containing smallpox scabs to native Americans with serious intent to kill them by 1763. In 1944, American and British scientists developed and produced thousands of an anthrax bombs during World War 2. However, these bombs were tested but never actually used in warfare. The latest usage of biological weapon …show more content…

For an example, in 1996, a major cholera outbreak occurred in Penang with subsequent spread to the other Peninsular States which results in a total of 1,182 reported cases and 231 detected carriers. Even though there were no fatalities, the consequences of direct and indirect costs of the outbreak had adverse implications in several sectors. While in 1997, an outbreak of The Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Sarawak, mainly during the months of June and July, gained a lot of attention because of the 31 pediatric deaths cases. In 1999, a deadly emerging paramyxovirus called Nipah virus were isolated during a large outbreak of viral encephalitis resulted in 283 cases including 109 deaths. This was the first report of such infection in the world. This virus has many of the physical attributes to serve as a potential for bioterrorism. The outbreak cause widespread fear and panic because of its high mortality and the inability to control the spread of the disease. This deadly virus, believed to be introduced into pig farms by fruit bats then spread easily among pigs and was transmitted to humans who came to close contact with infected animals. The virus was also transmitted to the other animals such as cats and

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