
Bisphenol A: The Destruction Of The Human Body

Decent Essays

Humans have altered the face of earth more than any other species, and the pace of change is only growing. Our most conspicuous influence is on land, where 80 percent of Earth’s surface has been affected by human activity. We’ve left our mark on nature and animals as well. As humans, we do things that destroy the lives of animals, whether on purpose or on accident. In the U.S, 1,500 bottles of water are consumed every second. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is used to make plastic hard and translucent. BPA is an “endocrine disruptor” which has showed to be hazardous to human health. There is an ardent correlation between BPA and certain types of cancers. As well as neurological difficulties, reduced fertility, early puberty in girls, and defects in newborn babies. The chemical enters the body through exposure to plastics, such as bottled drinks and disinfecting products. Bottled drinks also contain Phthalates, a chemical used to make plastics more flexible. It’s also an endocrine disrupting chemical that causes a variety of defects in the human body. Bottled drinks have also fundamentally disrupted the lifestyles of animals as well. Currently, plastic water tops are not recyclable. They usually end up at the bottom of the ocean, then later consumed by sea animals, mistaking it for food. Plastics bottles additionally require an excessive amount of fossil fuels in order to make a …show more content…

Ramen noodles have a high amount of unsustainable palm oil used to make them. A maximum of 20 percent of their packaging is palm oil. Palm oil has become a common ingredient in the commercial food industry globally because of its low cost and stability. Researchers have also found it to be strongly linked to cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease. It is also directly linked to deforestation and takes part in the death of endangered orangutans, which is a keystone species and is vital in maintaining the health of the

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