
Black Cinema

Decent Essays


Option A: Select two or more films from this course and compare and/or contrast them, using one or more of the above criteria (shared themes, etc.). SUPERFLY and DUTCHMAN
“Lights, camera, and action!!” A popular phrase noted throughout the film and cinematic industry, but to directors, actors, and viewers of African American or Black Cinema this famous phrase helped jumpstart a movement throughout the black culture. Starting with radical movies that explained racial undertones and barriers in the United States for freedom and equality, “The Dutchman” and “Superfly” facilitated more than just a wakeup call to individuals of every race, particularly the black people, but they also helped voice the concerns and …show more content…

With this notion provided by Hall the underlying victory in Superfly not only for the black culture, but society as a whole, as we remember the popularity not only by black culture, but by white and Latino as well. As Priest rises over adversity, and takes his success, not only does he maintain a financial edge, but one that kicks butt towards the end of the movie. Yet, it is this same notion that is the downfall for Clay in “The Dutchman”. As a woman of thirty, with no sexual virtue who is mentally ill, Lula in the story is the picture of what white society has deemed invaluable and powerless. However, when opposed to Clay, a young man with and education, “the traditional would- be image of success and normalcy, ironically Lula becomes all powerful (authoritative), because of her race” ("The Dutchman- oppression," 2009). It is Lula’s absolute command of the other passengers that shows Baracka’s stance that race is the ultimate determining factor in society.
From silence to sound, both of these films needless to say were indeed a necessary and engraved component in the black movement for equality. Ingred Bergman once said, “no form of art goes beyond ordinary consciousness as film does, straight to our emotions, deep into the twilight of

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