
Black Hawk Research Paper

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The Black Hawk War of 1832 had happened due to the constructing tension among the Sauk Indians, Fox Indians and the United States, in 1832. Black Hawk was born in a Sauk village and became a Native American leader. His Sauk village was near the current day Rock Island, Illinois. The Sauk village changed drastically between the different seasons. When the summer came around, the Sauk Indians would use their home for raising corn. It was also used as a burial site. The winter time was unalike. The Sauk’s would move through the Mississippi to hunt for food and to fur trap. Black Hawk had lead many war gatherings and he was the leader of the “Black Hawk War.” Black Sparrow Hawk, Makataimeshekiakiak, also known as Black Hawk was born in 1767. Black Hawk resided in Saukenuk. Saukenuk was the primary home of the Sauk and Fox tribes. He was well known for his great skills as a warrior and he was rarely defeated by others. One of the principle chiefs of the Sauk’s was Thunder Nanamakee. Black Hawk was the great-grandson of Thunder which helped him eventually become a leader himself. Makataimeshekiakiak was in combat starting at an early age. He killed his first man when he was at the age of only 15. He led many war parties against all the other tribes …show more content…

Black Hawk had a past of criticisms with the white Americans. In 1804, he signed a treaty that he thought was only restricting some hunting rights in the Sauk and Fox lands to white Americans. He later found out that he signed away over 50 million acres to the United States government. The treaty of 1804 lead to the takeover of all of the Sauk and Fox lands. The Sauk and the Fox tried to claim that the treaty was invalid but were unsuccessful. As a result, Black Hawk joined the British and Shawnee leader Tecumseh in conflicting American enlargement during the War of

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