
Black Lives Matter Movement Essay

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Durkheim illustrates social solidarity as social unity and integration, that uses moral phenomenon to help understand the moral degrees in society. Durkheim suggest social solidarity works under two different types which are mechanical and organic solidarity. Durkheim defines mechanical solidarity as common value and beliefs that are shared within society, that creates unity and shared goals. Organic solidarity is the highest interaction between different groups, with diverse ideologies. Durkheim suggest that the Black Lives Matter movement use their social solidarity to achieve collective awareness of the unjust repressive laws that discriminate against African Americans within the judicial and prison system. Durkheim would suggest that the …show more content…

In my opinion, Durkheim and Weber’s understanding of the Black Lives Matters existence in the United states are based on judicial, social, and political injustice of African Americans. Weber would conclude that African Americans having lower social status and class decreases the amount of political and social influence that African Americans have in society. Weber’s understanding of social status in the aspect of the Black Lives Matter movement is dictated by social hierarchy created in society. Weber concluded that African Americans low social stratification presents a level of political, economic and social abandonment, that is created by judiciary law in the United States. Weber defines social stratification as a system in which society rank individuals based on their class, social status and political party. Weber’s belief entertains the thought that the Black Lives Matter existence aim at creating recognition towards African American disenfranchise social class, status, and political power. Durkheim would conclude that the laws in America must change because they repress members of the black community and the laws reinforce black struggle. Durkheim explanation of repressive law challenges the morality of the laws that are enforced on African American. Durkheim seeks to expose the lack of restitutive law which foundation is to restore and maintain social

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